Positive Suggestion
When you buy a pre recorded sel help CD, Tape or Video, they comprise mostly of ‘Positive Suggestion’. Phrases such as ‘you will now feel happier’ or ‘you will eat less’ etc, are put to you in many ways. But if you have an ‘issue’ to deal with that must be rectified first! In decorating terms, if Hypnotherapy is the clearing out and the stripping down, the filling of the cracks and the sanding – then Positive Suggestion is the brand new paint on top!
Confidence is the key to all things. You may be intelligent, artistic, musical etc, but if you have no confidence, you may not realize your own potential. Someone with less ability and a healthy confidence, may well become ultimately more successful. I can help you to rebuild or create confidence which will give you a firm foundation from which to enjoy life, relationships, work and all aspects of your world.